Ondarte Residency, 2011, Akumal, Mexico

Ondarte International Artists Residency is a great program.


On arrival, I was happy to find a beautiful facility, in the jungle, near a lagoon.


I spread out the tools, and did a few pieces right away, to get into the groove, and express a little.



Ondarte has a push-button espresso maker from “Intenso”.  This piece was a small tribute.

Then on a walk to the lagoon on day seven, I found some interesting sticks in the jungle.  I took

some back to the studio and things got more interesting.

Gathering sticks became a priority, then having friends gather sticks for me.  It was on.

I decided to use multiple sticks in a loose sphere.  I’ve never had much success at working small.




The work became seriously gratifying, and it was cold m and m’s and hot coffee for me.



4 thoughts on “Ondarte Residency, 2011, Akumal, Mexico

  1. Hi K

    Lovely, will return to look for more.

    Artist friend Jennifer Bain (that’s her domaine name did stick scultping in 1984-1986 you can see images of those pieces at her site.

    Like you she is a yoga practicing, artist, gentle good soul


  2. Hi Karl, We have land in Valladolid (inland between Cancun & Merida) I’d love to find some iron worker/artist who can help with designing some gates for our property. Can you recommend? I’m just assuming you may have made connections while south of the border. Thank you, DR

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