“Moving Portal” Installed in Bethel, CT

After a good stay at the Ober Gallery in Kent, CT, “Moving Portal” made a move last weekend.


The Recharging Station in Bethel, CT will host the piece, priced at a modest $4200, and the front lawn is a perfect match for the work.


Art Goddess Earth Power from Art Matchmaker teamed up with Dr LuAnn Moratto and Intuitive Sharon Cravens to make this happen, and the installation went off without a single glitch.


The company of these three made it a fantastic day, and the adjustment from Dr LuAnn followed right away by my reading from Sharon was a life-changing experience. I feel as if the Recharging Station has given me far more than a place to introduce Portal In Motion to a new market. They have given me quite exactly what the name implies… a complete recharge.


PS  Women and men who love them!  There is an amazing workshop coming to Recharging Station the last weekend in April, and the first weekend in May.  Sign up now for a deep discount and travel new realms in sex, power, and birth.

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